CAS partners with PNP-RTC Region 13 for a Lecture Series on Professional Development Services

On July 19-23, 2021, the Bachelor of Arts in English Language program under the College of Arts and Sciences collaborated with the Philippine National Police – Regional Training Center Region 13 (CARAGA) for a five-day extension program lecture series on Professional Development Services via Zoom.  It intended to provide lecture-training sessions to the Police Executive Master Sergeants (PEMS) of the PNP CARAGA on effective professional development articulated in their coursework modules.

Dr. Louida P. Patac, the Dean of CAS, formally welcomes the participants, speakers, and facilitators of the lecture-series webinar.

Dr. Annabel “Kyla” N. Diaz, the Chairperson of AB English Language, presents the lecture series’ direction setting.


The extension program engaged six (6) meaningful and practical topics in context to PNP’s profession. On the first day, Mr. Kristopher M. Ngilangil commenced the lecture series with his talk on Career Transition Management. He emphasized the value of career motivation and the components of the career management process.

Mr. Kristopher M. Ngilangil asks the participants some questions from his presentation.


Miss Merdolyn C. Lloren delivered her next topic on the Best Practices (Management): Practical Execution.  She elaborated on the relationship of the best practices, principles of management, and problem-solving. Because of this, the participants were able to craft and present a comprehensive chart analysis of their division’s management issues and determine the intervention plans.

A representative from Team Delta ardently shares his group’s output on their first activity about Best Practices, Principles of Management, and Problem Solving.  The participants are     divided into seven groups: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, and Golf.

The second day continued with their chart presentations, and to enhance their outputs, Miss Vanissa E. Velarde delivered her talk on Kat’z Three-Skill Approach. They reviewed the relevance of technical skills, human skills, and conceptual skills for effective management.

A representative from Team Charlie presents their second activity’s output on Managerial Planning-An Intervention Plan, supplying information from Miss Vanessa E. Velarde’s talk.

During the third and fourth days, Dr. Annabel N. Diaz shared her lecture on Conferencing and Briefing Techniques.  She highlighted the significant impact of effective communication to make informed decisions. At the end of the session, the participants organized and presented their conferencing activities.

In her first talk, Dr. Annabel N. Diaz stresses the importance of reading because it enhances our comprehension and analytical abilities.

A representative from Team Bravo listens to Dr. Annabel N. Diaz’ input in their Conferencing Activity.

Miss Merdolyn C. Lloren gave another lecture on the Integrated Area/Community Public Safety Plan for the lecture series’ last day. She pointed out the ten steps in developing and monitoring peace and order and public safety plans.

Miss Merdolyn C. Lloren answers some questions from her lecture on the Integrated Area/Community Public Safety Plan.

To put the previous subject into the current context, Miss Cristine P. Madelo shared the last topic–Police Planning during the COVID-19 pandemic. She discussed the reality of the pandemic and the crucial roles of police officers as trustworthy servants and leaders. She ended her talk by sharing her meaningful acrostics for each team’s name.

Miss Cristine Madelo shares her presentation and frequently asks the participants about their established measures during the pandemic.

Right after Miss Madelo’s talk, the closing program immediately started. PEMS Joeseph Debsy Lawan shared an impression on behalf of his classmates. The presentation of Certificates to speakers and participants and a Plaque of Appreciation to PNP-RTC followed. Lastly, Mr. Kristopher Ngilangil, SSCT’s Planning Officer, closed the program with a promise of helping the PNP-RTC CARAGA whenever they need SSCT’s help again.

The CAS-ABEL faculty shares triumphant smiles with PNP-RTC CARAGA for a successful five-day extension program.

For five days, the moderators–Miss Marjorie F. Espina and Mr. Dean Mark, kept the links for the attendance sheets and evaluation forms posted on the chatbox.

The extension program served as a learning experience for the CAS-AB EL faculty and PNP-RTC. Training our policemen in Caraga Region to be good communicators and leaders at the same time will prepare them for the challenges of public service and social responsibility.


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