SNSU Seal and Colors

SNSU's Seal

is composed of several symbolic figures namely:

Colors Gold and Green

represent prosperity and life.

Rays of the Rising Sun

symbolize the institution’s new beginning.

Hovering Atom Symbol

stands for the institution’s valuing of scientific attitude and method in the quest for knowledge.

Open Book

represents institutional recognition regarding the significance of humanities & social sciences in implementing industry driven programs.


celebrates the victorious University status declaration in 2022

Integrity, Competence, and Respect

the institutional core values characterizing SSCT students, employees and alumni.

1969 & 1998

foundation dates of SNSAT & SSCT respectively

Golden Circular Rope

epitomizes the cycle of prosperity and unending institutional pursuit for progress.

Silhouette of Electrical Transmission Lines, High Rise Building, and Factory Buildings

represent institutional thrust towards industry.

Artificial Intelligence and WiFi Symbols

denote the institution’s readiness to engage challenges brought by the changing industry in the twentyfirst century.