student personnel services
Surigao State College of Technology through its Student Services office offers extensive programs and services to ensure students’ well-being as integral component of the educational mission of the college in developing holistic individuals.
It embarks on promoting the personal, social and educational development for the purpose of helping students transform their lives b achieving optimum attainment and realization of their full potentials. This is in the context of developing and enchasing the student’ capacities by proving them opportunities to be involved in student organizations and wide-range of co-curricular and extra –curricular activities. Hence, would pave way for the realization of personal development, leadership formation, social involvement and sense of responsibility.
It provides relevant, efficient and effective support and assistance such as health services, guidance and counseling services, scholarships and grants-in-aid, learning assistance, procedures for redressing grievance, standards of student’s conduct and discipling, and due process of law in any disciplinary action.
The office is indeed in existence to compliment and supplement academic endeavors for the essential development of well-honored, well-founded, and well formed individuals.
Directly supervises, coordinates and integrates comprehensive program of student personnel services adopted by the College and administered in cooperation with the different division, departments or units.
Initiates proposals, plans and activities for the continuous improvement and expansion of student personnel services to adequately meet the needs of the students and the demands of social change.
Coordinates the activities of units concerned with students development, welfare, benefits and services- e.g. student aid, housing, organizations, publications, admission, testing, guidance, and counseling, sports, cultural, social events, leadership training and other related services.
Supervises campus student elections and the operation of the student council, campus student organization and publications.
Enforces student discipline in accordance with the established rules and regulations of the College including the wearing of college uniform and identification cards.
Exercises direct supervision of extra-curricular activities which constitutes SPS area of responsibility and initiative.