Policies for Students

Prescribed Uniform

  • Male – black long pants and white short sleeve polo(prescribed cloth with College logo) and with leather shoes.
  • Female – Checkered green pencil cut skirt with white collared short-sleeved blouse with necktie and black shoes to be worn on Monday and Thursday
  • Tuesday and Friday – Checkered green slacks; white collared short-sleeved blouse with necktie embossed with college logo and with belt and black shoes
  • Wearing of school ID is a MUST. All College Students must wear the school uniform on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesday is a wash day.
  • Exempted from this rule are married female students who are in the family way but they must secure a permit from the SPSO.
  • Uniform for practice-teachers maybe allowed as a substitute for the school uniform upon prior approval by the school head. Shop teachers may prescribe working uniform of students which shall be worn only during shop classes but not allowed as a substitute for the prescribed school uniform. The same is true to with P.E. students.
  • Female students are not allowed to wear short or mini skirt and fitted blouse/shirt while in the school campus or while attending classes.
  • Male students are not allowed to wear sleeveless shirt and indecent pants in the school campus. Short pants is strictly prohibited during classes and even in the campus during class days.
  • Wearing of earrings for male student is strictly prohibited.
  • Wearing of school uniform for this Academic Year Starting on July, 2009.


  • Male – not lower than the nape or must be above the collar of the shirt. Those enrolled in ROTC, the prescribed haircut prevails.


  • Students are required to attend classes regularly. Punctuality must be strictly observed by both teachers and students.
  • Students having classes in the first period in the morning are required to attend the Flag Raising Ceremony every Monday morning and those having classes in the last period are required to attend the Flag Retreat every Friday afternoon.
  • When a student arrives 15 minutes after the class has started, he is marked late. When a student is late 3 times without valid reasons, he is marked absent by the instructor.
  • Habitual latecomers shall be referred to the Guidance Office for proper action.
  • For every absence made, the student must present an excuse letter to the instructor duly signed by the parents or guardian concerned.
  • Three or more absences requires a student to present a permit approved by the Guidance Counselor for admission back to classes.
  • A student who gets sick should inform the school authorities about his illness through his adviser. Excused absence is granted upon presentation of the parents’ excuse letter accompanied by a health certificate issued by the attending physician.
  • A student officially sent by the school to attend seminars, workshops, etc. shall not be marked absent from classes but shall be required to comply with the course requirements.
  • If the instructor/teacher is late, the students should remain quiet and study their lessons. The class mayor or any of the class officers shall notify the Division Chair who shall decide whether to dismiss the class or not.
  • Attendance to religious activities is optional. However, Catholics are encouraged to attend mass scheduled once a month and those who are non-Catholics may stay in the library to do research work.
  • SMOKING – never allowed in the classrooms, laboratories, library, corridors and even in areas where smoking is strictly prohibited.
  • No student is allowed to enter an office of any school official while smoking or with a cigarette in his hand.
  • No student should enter the classroom late just because he has to finish smoking nor leave the class just to smoke.
  • Cigarette butts should not be thrown on the floor or out of the windows, but only in the trash boxes provided along the corridors.


  • Any student under the influence of liquor is prohibited from entering the school premises and or in the classroom. Any violation of this rule will be suspended from classes for 3 days for the first offense and one week for the succeeding offenses. Habitual offenders maybe dropped from the rolls.
  • Students under the influence of prohibited drugs are never allowed to enter the class or from attending his classes.
  • Possession of prohibited drugs like marijuana, shabu, etc.;drug pushing; and drug addiction are punishable. If caught, students must be reported at once to the parents through the class adviser.


  • Surigao State College of Technology is your second home. So, it is your duty to keep this school always clean.
  • Avoid littering of any kind. Vandalism or writing on the walls are punishable.
  • Loitering along the corridors especially when classes are going on is strictly prohibited.
  • Sitting on the railings is also prohibited.


  • Stairways, corridors and doors must be free from obstruction at all times. Hence, sitting on the stairs or congregating in front of the doors, in the corridors and in the passageways is strictly prohibited.


  • Proper behavior is expected of every student at all times anywhere in and out of the school campus.
  • Every students must maintain silence in the library and along the corridors when classes are going on.
  • Loud talking, boisterous laughter, singing, shouting, whistling and other forms of noise unbecoming in an atmosphere of learning must be avoided and are prohibited.
  • Violations of these regulations is punishable according to the sanctions imposed for light offenses.


  • When transacting business in any school offices, always knock before entering and standing until cautioned to sit down. Identify yourself and state your business briefly and clearly.
  • Students should greet the teacher upon entering the classroom.
  • Leave the classroom only with the teacher’s permission.
  • Smoking either by the teacher or by the student is not allowed in the classroom.
  • Boisterous laughter has no place in the classroom.
  • Occupy only the assigned seats.


  • Students reported to have violated any existing rules and regulations shall be subject to investigation, and if found guilty shall be punish based on the nature of the offense committed.
  1. Offense are classified into three(3) categories.

(A) Light Offenses:

  • Vandalism / littering / loitering
  • Not wearing the prescribed school uniform within the school premises.
  • Not wearing the official school ID within the school campus.
  • Habitual tardiness
  • Spitting on the floor or elsewhere.
  • Improper use of urinals and comfort rooms facilities.
  • Defacing posters and bulletin information materials
  • Horse playing in classrooms or even in the school mini-park.
    1. Sitting on the railing.

(B) Serious Offenses:

  • Insubordination / defiance to school authorities
  • Destruction of school properties causing major damages
  • Cheating during examinations
  • Acts of dishonesty
  • Gambling and drunkenness within the school campus
  • Gross indecency in clothing and manners Possession of explosion and fire crackers

(C) More Serious Offenses:

  • Willful destruction of school properties causing major damages
  • Illegal possession of firearms and carrying of deadly weapons such as guns, explosive, knives, etc.
  • Possession of prohibited drugs, i.e. marijuana, shabu, etc.
  • Falsification of documents, tampering of academic or official record of any kind, and or forgery
  • Drug addiction, drug pushing, drug trafficking
  • Hazing which inflicts physical, mental, or psychological pain that results in death, mutilations, injuries, physical disability on any fellow students
  • Staging a strike resulting to loss of life or major damages to school properties.
  • Stealing, serious fighting inside or outside the school campus, displaying acts that can cause public scandal, moral damage and great harm to personal safety.
  • Creating serious trouble while under the influence of liquor.

Punishments are to be meted out offenders in accordance with the nature of the offense committed and after due process is reached by the committee on Student Discipline.

(A) Light Offenses:

  • 1st Offense – Warning or reprimand
  • 2nd Offense – Dialogue with parents
  • 3rd Offense – Suspension for three (3) days

(B) Serious Offenses:

  • 1st Offense – Reprimand
  • 2nd Offense – Dialogue with parents, adviser and guidance counselor
  • 3rd Offense – Suspension for one (1) week

(C) More Serious Offenses:

  • 1st Offense – Dialogue with parents, adviser, guidance counselor or higher school authorities with administrative assistance
  • 2nd Offense – Suspension
  • 3rd Offense – Expulsion / Dismissal

For more information and clarification: You can freely visit at the school Student Personnel Services Officer. Ms. Maria Fe C. Guerra or at the school Guidance Counselor Mrs. Quincy C. Dumanig.