ZUMBA! a Friday Wellness Activity of SSCT Mainit Campus

In realization to the virtue of Civil Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum Circular No. 8, s2011, dated March 07, 2011, which reiterates the Physical Fitness Program “Great Filipino Workout” that should be adopted as an integral part of the National Physical Fitness and Sports Development Program for Government personnel. The Surigao State College of Technology- Mainit Campus conducted the Friday wellness activity every Friday at 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM together with the faculty and staff, Program heads and the OJT students from BTLED 4. It was spear headed by department every week for the school year 2021-2022.

The said activity takes place at the new academic building front floor. A wholesome music with appropriate outfits were required to mitigate any injuries. It was developed to enhance and stretch the muscles from working in a long period of time. Basic actions for stretching was utilized with upbeat and trendy music such as “Paru-paru G” and tiktok songs.
The faculty-cooperating teachers who handles student-teachers participated on the exercise. At exactly 3pm, the assigned office to lead the Zumba exercise prepares all the necessary equipment such as the sound box or speakers and music. After preparation was the announcement to all on everyone and stop what they are doing and join the fitness activity.
There is no exception from it. From the Campus Director, Dean for Instruction, Department Heads from BTLED, BAT and BSAF, Registrar office, SAO, FSAU, Personnel, and Nurse as well as all GL are required to attend. The said activity ends at 4pm with sweat all around and the next office to lead was informed to prepare for the coming week.

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