Surigao State College of Technology- Mainit Campus, Pahugjaw 2022

In celebration of the college week, SSCT- Mainit Campus held a three-day program for the said event from May 4- 6, 2022. With the theme “Gala of Courage: Faces with strong vibes of hope, resilience and for inspiration greater heights”. Highlighting the capabilities of students, fostering their skills and talents, and exploring their full potential was what the celebration was all about.
Students from every department BAT, BSAF, and BTLED were given the opportunity and were encouraged to join the contests to show what they are capable of. Many stimulating contests were held including a promotional video showing what the department is all about, what it does and what can it offer. There was also a contest as to who made the best short film, spoken poetry, poster, slogan, advocacy poster, and unity dance. All of these were judged according to the theme of the celebration.
Unfortunately, because the pandemic still going around, the hope that the event will be done in a face-to-face manner was not realized. However, despite the barriers and challenges that were all around, the program was still a success, although it’s not the same as before, the current situation didn’t stop the students from doing what was needed to be done. All students from every department still managed to showcase their talents and capabilities. This just showed how determined and resilient the students of SSCT- Mainit Campus are that no matter what and how many difficulties are there they will remain standing at the very end.

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