The much-awaited conversion of SSCT into Surigao del Norte State University or SNSU was finally granted on June 23, 2022 during the Board of Trustees Meeting in Cagayan de Oro City. CHED Commissioner Jo Mark M. Libre said the universityhood was duly approved by the Commission En Banc of the CHED or Commission on Higher Education. He expressed congratulations to the Board of Trustees and all those behind the effort of SSCT to become SNSU, a toil that lasted for nine years. To recall, it was on June 4, 2013 that Republic Act 10600 or An Act Establishing. The Surigao Del Norte State University in The Province of Surigao Del Norte was signed into law by the late president Benigno C. Aquino III.
To meet the stringent requirements and the constant evaluation and re-evaluation stipulated in R.A. 10600, SSCT worked on improving the performance of the institution in its quality and relevance of instruction, research capability and instruction, services to the community, and management of resources. Further, most of its programs have been accredited and it became ISO certified. On September 23, 2021, it was also awarded the PRIME HRM (Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management) Level II for Performance Management by the Civil Service Commission. Key infrastructure projects are also constructed in all 4 campuses.
In a statement, SSCT president Dr. Gregorio Z. Gamboa, Jr. said, “The road to universityhood is not easy, it requires clear vision and unity of its players. With the collaborative effort of the entire academic community and stakeholders, the vision of becoming the first state university in Surigao del Norte and the dream of bringing quality education to the doorstep of every Surigaonon are now certain.”
“The commitment and passion of every faculty, staff and students are the driving force towards the realization of the conversion. Forward looking, SNSU dreams again of producing entrepreneurial graduates who can help and contribute to the progress of Surigao del Norte and the country. All of these will contribute for nation’s greater heights,” Dr. Gamboa added.
The SNSU community extends its sincerest appreciation to all the significant dignitaries who were instrumental in the conversion. The then Representatives Francisco T. Matugas and Guillermo A. Romarate who authored House Bill 1718 which enacted into law as R.A. 10600. Representatives Francisco Jose F. Matugas II, Robert Ace S. Barbers and Ann K. Hofer who introduced HB 5150 and Sen.Francis “Chiz” G. Escudero who sponsored the aforementioned bill which introduced some amendments to R.A 10600 and which was later known as R.A. 11010 signed by outgoing president Rodrigo Roa Duterte in 2018.
With the university status, it is expected that a new logo, seal, and other symbols will be developed to serve as the visual representations of SNSU.
By: Annabelle “Kyla” N. Diaz